Sri K.C. Narayana - Contributions

First and fore most is the inspiration behind ISRC- who made it possible to have access to Pujya Babuji Maharaj through Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari order.

Sri. K.C. Narayana has prepared and obtained permission for about 150 trainers in India and abroad (all these trainers are advanced spiritually with minimum access to Brahmand and many are advanced even beyond). This is due to untiring efforts and training by Sri. K.C. Narayana. Not only this, many trainers and abhyasis are constantly and regularly under the training of Sri. K.C. Narayana.

By strict and methodical training Sri. K.C. Narayana has enabled so far (2008) twelve persons enter the Central Region. It may be possible some more persons may enter this state of consciousness in the days to come.

The most monumental work of his is the book “The Path of Grace” which is a commentary on the book “Towards Infinity” of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj. In this book Sri. K.C. Narayana has attempted to put in words his four decades of sadhana in the Natural Path. Various states of consciousness which Pujya Babuji Maharaj wrote have been explained in detail, all backed by his experience removing many doubts and ambiguities of the aspirants in the Path.

In the commentary (The Path of Grace) the chapter relating to the Rings of Splendour (Central Region) is most revealing and original. The consciousness at each ring of splendour has been vividly explained by Sri. K.C. Narayana. He shared his experience with all through this work and exhorts all to experience the same.

The efficacy of the system, which is dependent on the practice of points A and B, has been explained lucidly by Sri. K.C. Narayana. The originality in all his works lie in his understanding and experience of these points, knots and ability to follow the commandments. The inter-dependency of these is his discovery as well as the most important practical aspect.

He wrote a commentary on the Ten Commandments of the Master called Imperience Beckons and presented how easy it is to follow these commandments if only aspirants practice Pranahuti aided Meditation and imperience the truth behind things.

He wrote a commentary on the Efficacy of Raja yoga explaining the various stages and states of consciousness in the Natural Path.

He with a team of workers of Imperience developed tools for self evaluation and also a game of life. These are felt as immensely useful in understanding the intricacies of sadhana.

Sri. K.C. Narayana along with a band of serious aspirants in Spirituality conceived the institutions of Sahaj Seva Samsthan*, Satkama* and Bodh*.

Being a Grhastha, he respects all social and traditional values but he is not a victim of dogmas and superstitions. One can see perfection in all his works. He practices and then only preaches, aptly “An Acharya” in letter and spirit. To the abhyasis, he always insists that one should be honest, truthful and practice discipline. The success in the material and spiritual aspects of his life is due to his assiduously practicing the principles of the Natural Path with unswerving attention on the feet of the Master. The secret of his achievements appears to be his state of Negation and his single pointed orientation to the Great Master who finds in him an efficient instrument to carry on the divine function of transformation of man. The truth of the statement by Rev Babuji Maharaj that “I make Masters, not disciples” is very much true in the case of Sri K.C.Narayana. Sri K.C. Narayana, true to the tradition of the Great Masters, is committed to guide the persons who deserve and aspire to the feet of the Great Master. His notable achievement is his ability to perform with complete detachment and without any discrimination. He has reached the stage of performing his duty in obedience to the will of the Master without having any attachment to the result of the activity or the person. He lives and moves in the state of Sahaj Samadhi. He could successfully inspire all his family members, majority of the relative and friends and many more who came in contact with him got fomented. He set an example that it is possible to inspire people when one follows the message of the Master in letter and spirit. One can confidently say Sri. K.C. Narayana is inspiration personified.