Sri K.C. Narayana - Family

Sri. K.C. Narayana was married in the year 1965 and was subsequently blessed with threeSri K.C. Narayana with his wife Smt. K.C. Santha sons. His unassuming, virtuous simple wife Smt. K.C. Santha has been a constant support to him thorough out his life. Her service to Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari and the Great Master were naturally rewarded with their blessings giving her very high approaches in spiritual life. She has also been the moderating factor in his life by controlling the anger and rashness with which he used to react to ignoble activities of others.

He discharged his duty towards his children with utmost care and all three of them are well settled after having completed their education. All of them viz., Chi. Satari, Chi. Murari and Sri K.C. Narayana family photoChi. Srihari are blessed by the Great Master Pujya Babuji Maharaj and are rewarded with higher approaches in spiritual life. They are all trainers in the System of Sri Ramchandra Consciousness under Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari order. He now lives with two of his sons along with their families. His third son lives in a nearby place along with his family. He and his wife Santha are happy with their sons, daughters-in-law and grandson and grand daughters. The system of Raja yoga propounded by the great Master is practiced by all of them.

Sri K.C. Satari with family Sri K.C. Murari with family Sri K.C. Srihari with family